Posts Tagged ‘holzindustrie’

SCHWEIGHOFER sues environmental NGO from Romania in Vienna

Share The Austrian wood processing company Holzindustrie Schweighofer sued the grassroots NGO Neuer Weg (‘New Way’) from Fagaras/Romania as well as its deputy chair, Hans Hedrich, on June 15, 2015 at the Commercial Court in Vienna, after NW published... Read more

SCHWEIGHOFER verklagt Umweltschützer aus Rumänien beim Handelsgericht Wien

Share Der bisher größte, unerwartete Erfolg des Verein Neuer Weg im Kampf gegen die Holzmafia in Rumänien: Die Firma Holzindustrie Schweighofer verklagte unseren Verein und mich (Hans Hedrich) am 15. 06. 2015 vor dem Handelsgericht Wien. Endlich bekommen wir... Read more

Firma Schweighofer a dat in judecata Asociatia Neuer Weg, la Viena

Share Cel mai mare succes al Asociatei NW, deocamadata, in lupta cu mafia lemnului: Din proprie initiativa si nesilita de nimeni, firma SCHWEIGHOFER duce luptele noastre in instanta dincolo de hotarele Romaniei, si anume la un tribunal din VIENA!... Read more

(VIDEO) Noi probe: SCHWEIGHOFER cumpara lemn taiat ilegal in Harghita

Share Noi probe (video) care arata ca firma HOLZINDUSTRIE SCHWEIGHOFER cumpara lemn taiat ilegal: In toamna anului 2013 am participat la o investigatie in zona Toplita si Corbu, in nordul judetului Harghita, unde am filmat taierea unor arbori de... Read more

Fabrica de la Reci/Covasna: Holzindustrie Schweighofer atacata (din nou) in instanta

Share Asociatia Bankwatch Romania Bdul. Dinicu Golescu nr. nr. 41, Bl. 6, Sc. 1, Ap. 5 București 010868 Tel.:031-4382489 Asociatia/Verein Neuer Weg Pta. Republicii nr. 16 505200 Fagaras Tel.: 0752-616128 COMUNICAT DE PRESA 04. 12. 2014 Asociatia Bankwatch... Read more

Holzmafia in Rumaenien: Schweighofer kaufte Fabriksgrundstuecke mit Hilfe illegaler Gerichtsurteile

Share EN: The anticorruption authority DNA recommended the arrest of a judge, a prosecuror and a businessman who helped the wood processing company SCHWEIGHOFER to illegally buy up the land for its factory in Radauti/Suceava county. RO: DNA propune... Read more

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