Rosia Montana: Loviti Pontaurii din Guvern! Trimiteti o sesizare catre DG Justitie/MCV!

Daca vreti sa contribuiti la stoparea proiectului de lege RMGC, votat de Guvern in 28. 08. 13, cereti Comisiei Europene includerea acestuia in urmatorul Raport de Progres al Romaniei din cadrul Mecanismului de Cooperare si Verificare. Asta va durea Guvernul la maxim pt. ca de clepto-securisto-comunisti ce sint, dau de fiecare data cu mucii in fasole cand vine vorba de respectarea unor valori si norme europene elementare.
Textul de mai jos este o adaptare a comunicatului de presa al Asociatiei Alburnus Maior.



Pasul 1: Accesati cele 2 formulare de contact ale UE, indicate mai jos.

LINK pagina de contact 1 (UE – DG Justitie) >>>
LINK pagina de contact 2 (UE – Comisar justitie Viviane Reding) >>>


Pasul 2: Copiati textul de mai jos in campul de mesaj (max. 2000 semne!).

The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

On August 28 the Romanian Government voted a law proposal named “Measures concerning the exploitation of gold and silver within the Rosia Montana perimeter(…)”. Accordingly, the Parliament, following this governmental initiative, is preparing to vote soon a law with devastating consequences. The law proposed stipulates that in the case of the Rosia Montana gold mining project the investor doesn’t need to respect a series of other laws, since the State will issue all the necessary derogatory documents needed – regardless of current legal procedures.

LINK (law proposal + assessment / RO):

As a consequence the principle of the separation of powers has been defied by illegally giving the Parliament the competence of deciding over the start of an overtly illegal mining project instead of other state authorities.

Main criticism of the law proposal:
a.) Although a private investment, the mining project run by the company “RMGC” is being declared of ‘special public national interest’ (Art. 1) – so that any person opposing it can be expropriated (Art. 62).
b.) RMGC may become the owner of any public building within 45 days after formally requesting this – without any auction (pt. 7 of Art. 4).
c.) If any document or permit obtained by the company is annulled at court the state must issue it again within 30 days (pt. 9, letter A of Art. 4).
d.) The owner of the mining license can relocate natural monuments within the exploitation perimeter in order to ‘protect’ them (pt. 4 of Art. 5).
These are only a few aspects that violate the European principles and Romanian citizen’s rights in favor of a private mining company.

Therefore, we request to include the above mentioned law proposal in the next Progress Report of the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification concerning Romania.

Sincerely yours


Pasul 3: Trimiteti mesajul.


PS: Va rugam pe toti cei care primesc raspuns (peste cateva zile) din partea Comisiei – DECI NU RASPUNSUL AUTOMAT de confirmare a primirii mesajului vostru! – sa ni-l puneti la dispozitie la rubrica de comentarii resp. la adresa de email pentru a-l putea face public si a urmari ulterior evolutia sesizarii noastre. Va multumim!

Posted by at 29/08/2013
Filed in category: Buerger & Rechte, Kultur & Gut, Natur & Schutz, Politik & Wirtschaft, and tagged with: , ,

125 Responses to Rosia Montana: Loviti Pontaurii din Guvern! Trimiteti o sesizare catre DG Justitie/MCV!

  1. adrian purice says:

    The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    On August 28 the Romanian Government voted a law proposal named “Measures concerning the exploitation of gold and silver within the Rosia Montana perimeter(…)”. Accordingly, the Parliament, following this governmental initiative, is preparing to vote soon a law with devastating consequences. The law proposed stipulates that in the case of the Rosia Montana gold mining project the investor doesn’t need to respect a series of other laws, since the State will issue all the necessary derogatory documents needed – regardless of current legal procedures.

    LINK (law proposal + assessment / RO):

    As a consequence the principle of the separation of powers has been defied by illegally giving the Parliament the competence of deciding over the start of an overtly illegal mining project instead of other state authorities.

    Main criticism of the law proposal:
    a.) Although a private investment, the mining project run by the company “RMGC” is being declared of ‘special public national interest’ (Art. 1) – so that any person opposing it can be expropriated (Art. 62).
    b.) RMGC may become the owner of any public building within 45 days after formally requesting this – without any auction (pt. 7 of Art. 4).
    c.) If any document or permit obtained by the company is annulled at court the state must issue it again within 30 days (pt. 9, letter A of Art. 4).
    d.) The owner of the mining license can relocate natural monuments within the exploitation perimeter in order to ‘protect’ them (pt. 4 of Art. 5).
    These are only a few aspects that violate the European principles and Romanian citizen’s rights in favor of a private mining company.

    Therefore, we request to include the above mentioned law proposal in the next Progress Report of the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification concerning Romania.

    Sincerely yours
    Adrian Purice

    • hans says:


    • Alina says:

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    • cosmin says:

      [Case_ID: 0789440 / 6143749]

    • iustina23 says:

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  2. petrica says:

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  3. Rocky's Dad says:

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      EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

    • Rocky's Dad says:

      [Case_ID: 0788919 / 4301645] si [Case_ID: 0788933 / 1587246].

  4. calin says:

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  5. Razvan says:

    Pe ambele site-uri primesc urmatoarea eroare:

    A Database Error Occurred
    Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.

    • hans says:

      curios… la multi altii vad ca a functionat! incercati sa accesati formularul de contaact in alta limba – de ex. in romana. poate ca merge mai bine. succes!

      • Razvan says:

        Am reusit intr-un final:

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        Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

        With kind regards,

        EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  6. Alexandra Elena says:

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    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre.

    • Alexandra Elena says:

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      EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  7. Mihut Nicolae says:

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  8. Renato says:

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    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  9. hans says:

    BRAVO si MULTUMIRI TUTUROR pentru implicare!

    impreuna salvam rosia montana!

  10. Jon says:

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  11. Angel says:

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  12. raluca says:

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  13. Roxana S. says:

    Am primit si aici mesajul automat:

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  14. Trandafira says:

    UE – DG Justitie

    “Thank you for your message. Please note that once your enquiry is transmitted to the EUROPE DIRECT service, you will receive a receipt acknowledgement via e-mail containing the reference number of your message.”

    Viviane Reding
    European Commission Vice-President in charge of Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

    “Thank you for your message. Please note that once your enquiry is transmitted to the EUROPE DIRECT service, you will receive a receipt acknowledgement via e-mail containing the reference number of your message.”

  15. alex haiduc says:

    [Case_ID: 0788976 / 5535831]

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  16. alex haiduc says:

    [Case_ID: 0788990 / 8821469]

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  17. Dani says:

    Subject: [Case_ID: 0789134 / 244584] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    Date: 29 august 2013, 18:20:04 GMT+03:00
    To: dani

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  18. Dani says:

    Pentru Viviane Reding

    Subject: [Case_ID: 0789166 / 9983047] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    Date: 29 august 2013, 18:28:35 GMT+03:00
    To: dani

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  19. oana says:

    [Case_ID: 0789165 / 1891252]

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  20. Sebastian says:

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  21. Iuliana C says:

    Case_ID: 0789226 / 5492690] – Rosia Montana
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  22. Mihut Nicolae says:

    Am ID ??
    [Case_ID: 0788984 / 1270469]

  23. aron says:

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  24. István says:

    [Case_ID: 0789273 / 7808521] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

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  25. mcgogoo says:

    trimis, preimit mailuri de confirmare.
    astept un raspuns oficial

  26. Radu says:

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  27. mt says:

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    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  28. Jochen says:

    Danke, Hans. Getan!

  29. Trandafira says:

    Sesizarile au primit numerele de inregistrare:

    Case_ID: 0789084 / 9453113
    Case_ID: 0789090 / 104132

  30. Dan says:

    Sesizarile au primit numerele de inregistrare:

    Case_ID: 0789528 / 6224581

    Case_ID: 0789532 / 3591829

  31. Ramona says:

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    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  32. oana says:

    Numere de inregistrare

    [Case_ID: 0789556 / 6795632]
    [Case_ID: 0789549 / 6152868]

    Doamne ajuta!

  33. Marius says:

    Eu am putut sa trimit mesajele doar de pe Internet Explorer. De pe Chrome nu se trimiteau, nici in en, nici in ro.

  34. Daniela says:

    [Case_ID: 0789558 / 9979384] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    [Case_ID: 0789553 / 6520119] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

  35. Andra says:

    Case_ID: 0789631 / 1682761
    Waiting …

  36. Iulian says:

    [Case_ID: 0789638 / 3325592]

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  37. Ilincai Radu Mihai says:

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  38. lusulescul says:

    [Case_ID: 0789652 / 4611014] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

  39. zizi says:

    Thank you for your message. Please note that once your enquiry is transmitted to the EUROPE DIRECT service, you will receive a receipt acknowledgement via e-mail containing the reference number of your message.

  40. raluca says:

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  41. Bogdan says:

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    Case ID 0789810/6119866

  42. Catalin Dobre says:

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    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  43. Daniel says:

    [Case_ID: 0789890 / 5465918] [Case_ID: 0789886 / 198671]

  44. DR.K says:

    Multumim ca ne.ati luminat la minte, trimis…cine n.a reusit trebuiesa persevereze..sistemul functioneaza!

  45. Bogdan says:

    Case_ID: 0789997 / 2291567

    Deasemenea, am observat ca formularul nu se trimitea in Google Chrome, dar a functionat bine cu Mozilla Firefox (in caz ca se mai loveste cineva de aceeasi problema).

  46. Lavinia says:

    [Case_ID: 0790083 / 3188677] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    [Case_ID: 0790078 / 5729552] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    This is an automated message.
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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  47. István Toth says:

    > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 10:46:49 +0200
    > To:
    > Subject: [Case_ID: 0790088 / 7647832] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    > From:
    > This is an automated message.
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    > Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.
    > With kind regards,
    > EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  48. Irina Ciochina says:

    [Case_ID: 0790103 / 325283]

  49. Iulian Boia says:

    Am incercat sa trimit folosind ambele formulare de contact, dar cand dau “send” nu se intampla nimic, nu-mi apare nici un mesaj de eroare sau de confirmare. A mai patit cineva asta? (folosesc Chrome ca browser). E vreo adresa de email la care putem trmite mesajul?

    • hans says:

      se pare ca cu chrome sunt ceva probleme. incearca cu alt browser… succes!

  50. Razvan Varlan says:

    [Case_ID: 0790141 / 5514617] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    This is an automated message.
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    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

    [Case_ID: 0790145 / 8881951] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    This is an automated message.
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    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  51. Cosmin says:

    Thank you for your message. Please note that once your enquiry is transmitted to the EUROPE DIRECT service, you will receive a receipt acknowledgement via e-mail containing the reference number of your message.

    • Cosmin says:

      [Case_ID: 0790167 / 2902166] – Concernings for Roşia Montană şi [Case_ID: 0790173 / 9453119] – Concernings for Roşia Montană
      This is an automated message.
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      Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

      With kind regards,

      EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  52. Gabriel Morosanu says:

    Case ID 0790080/4913139
    Case ID 0790073/1270399

  53. SHerie says:

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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

    • SHerie says:

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      Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

      With kind regards,

      EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  54. jean says:

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    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  55. Alex says:

    Am putea face si trimite un mesaj si catre departamentul de mediu al comisiei:

    Mai ales ca se incalca o directiva a Parlamentului European privind interzicerea mineritului cu ajutorul cianurilor:

    • hans says:

      dece nu? (insa: nu este o directiva ci o rezolutie a parlamentului care nu obliga comisia UE la nimic.) succes! conteaza sa ne miscam cat mai multi – in felul asta poate reusim sa punem problema legii RMGC pe agenda unei institutii UE!

  56. Monica Popovici says:

    Case_ID: 0788859 / 4792028] – Rosia Montana

  57. Monica Popovici says:

    [Case_ID: 0788875 / 8261246] – Rosia Montana

  58. Monica Popovici says:

    Pune alaturi de Pontaur imaginea Dacianei Sarbu legata in lanturi pentru Rosia. Ca tot sta locul gol langa poza.

  59. Mihaela Taranu says:

    [Case_ID: 0790455 / 4348420]
    This is an automated message.
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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  60. ioana says:

    Am incercat s afac ce spuneti, dar nu se poate!!!! Cred ca ne saboteaza!!!

  61. denisa says:

    sunt dezamagita! pe paginile Fb putini au vizionat articolul, si mai putini au trimis sesisarea…… traim intr-o lume in care o fotografie sexy are mii de “like” , iar o problema atat de serioasa are un impact atat de redus! imi pare rau, Rosia Montana, dar se pare ca nu te meritam, ne meritam cianura in ape si despadurirea si saracirea ! Dumnezeu sa ne ierte pentru cum sfartecam trupul tarii noastre!

    • Alex says:

      Am trimis si eu, speram sa nu se intample acest lucru, avem nevoie de toti cei din afara si din tara, cei care gandesc limpede si vor sa schimbe tara aceasta de “oi” ignorante, imi pare rau ca e asa Denisa…Trebuia cu totii sa trimitem mai devreme acest mesaj…Sunt vinovat de ignoranta…

    • hans says:

      eu vad lucrurile mai optimist. am primit deja zeci de confirmari ca s-a trimis sesizarea – si asta in doar 2 zile! deci? dece atata pesimism din partea voastra, denisa/alex? oamenii gandesc, oamenii se misca.

      mesajul catre UE nu putea fi trimis mai devreme de ieri la UE, din moment ce aflasem doar alaltaieri (miercuri) ca marti fusese votat proiectul de lege. deci ne-am miscat extrem de rapid si eficace!
      poate poate reusim sa punem problema legii RMGC pe agenda UE.

      • Marius says:

        Denisa, lucrurile merg spre bine, ideea este sa fim mai multi, mai uniti! De aceea e mai important sa incercam sa deschidem ochii mai multor oameni. Nu mai fi asa pesimista, incearca sa fii constructiva si sa cooptezi cat mai multi oameni, daca le e lene sa iasa in strada, macar aici pot da un copy/paste! E destul de clar ca acum nu mai are cum sa porneasca acest proiect, s-a intetit focul, iar lumea nu se va lasa!

  62. Codruta says:

    [Case_ID: 0790725 / 3141778] – Violation of European principles and Romanian citizen’s rights
    [Case_ID: 0790724 / 249938] – Violation of European principles and Romanian citizen’s rights

  63. Oana Raluca says:

    Trimis! Multumim!

  64. Valentin Grigore says:

    Am trimis la ambele formulare, am primit raspunsul automat.
    Sa vedem daca ne va raspunde cineva si ce ne va spune.
    Vad ca se semneaza din partea EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  65. Cristi says:

    Trimis/primit confirmarea.
    Revin daca primesc si un raspuns oficial.

  66. oana says:

    [Case_ID: 0790777 / 4916881] si [Case_ID: 0790776 / 6824943] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    from to you
    Show Details
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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  67. Giorgi says:

    [Case_ID: 0790802 / 4212488]

    “This is an automated message.
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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre”

  68. Adrian says:

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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  69. Maria says:

    Trimis .Astept raspuns oficial din partea lor .

  70. Irina says:

    [Case_ID: 0789748 / 5426592]

    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

  71. Claudiu says:

    Trimis. Si eu si pritenii mei.

  72. zaharie says:


  73. Denisa says:

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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  74. Alexandra says:

    The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    On August 28 the Romanian Government voted a law proposal named “Measures concerning the exploitation of gold and silver within the Rosia Montana perimeter(…)”. Accordingly, the Parliament, following this governmental initiative, is preparing to vote soon a law with devastating consequences. The law proposed stipulates that in the case of the Rosia Montana gold mining project the investor doesn’t need to respect a series of other laws, since the State will issue all the necessary derogatory documents needed – regardless of current legal procedures.

    LINK (law proposal + assessment / RO):

    As a consequence the principle of the separation of powers has been defied by illegally giving the Parliament the competence of deciding over the start of an overtly illegal mining project instead of other state authorities.

    Main criticism of the law proposal:
    a.) Although a private investment, the mining project run by the company “RMGC” is being declared of ‘special public national interest’ (Art. 1) – so that any person opposing it can be expropriated (Art. 62).
    b.) RMGC may become the owner of any public building within 45 days after formally requesting this – without any auction (pt. 7 of Art. 4).
    c.) If any document or permit obtained by the company is annulled at court the state must issue it again within 30 days (pt. 9, letter A of Art. 4).
    d.) The owner of the mining license can relocate natural monuments within the exploitation perimeter in order to ‘protect’ them (pt. 4 of Art. 5).
    These are only a few aspects that violate the European principles and Romanian citizen’s rights in favor of a private mining company.

    Therefore, we request to include the above mentioned law proposal in the next Progress Report of the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification concerning Romania.

    Sincerely yours

    Barsan Alexandra

  75. jony says:

    stop rmgg!!!

  76. Ioana says:

    Voilà, mission accomplie:)))
    Maine vom fi in fata ambasadei Romaniei din Bruxelles si ne vom face auziti!

    Thank you for your message. Please note that once your enquiry is transmitted to the EUROPE DIRECT service, you will receive a receipt acknowledgement via e-mail containing the reference number of your message.

    • hans says:

      bravo! eu, din pacate, voi fi prin niste sate si nu voi putea participa la manifestari. promit insa sa compensez ulterior in alta forma!

      • Marius says:

        multumim pentru solidaritate si suport! romanii din diaspora au un cuvant destul de greu in fata presei, asa ca nu va lasati!

  77. [Case_ID: 0791015 / 9771760] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    [Case_ID: 0791013 / 5588047] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    Sa vedem ce vor raspunde ..

  78. Ioan B. says:

    Trimis: Sâmbătă, 31 August 2013 22:41:09
    Subiect: [Case_ID: 0791024 / 5598175] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law

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    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

    Trimis: Sâmbătă, 31 August 2013 22:43:41
    Subiect: [Case_ID: 0791025 / 1689939] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law

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    Please do not reply.

    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  79. Prostu' satului says:

    [Case_ID: 0791084 / 4107794] – Romania, Rosia Montana gold mining project
    [Case_ID: 0791086 / 9291445] – Romania, Rosia Montana gold mining project

  80. Elena says:

    [Case_ID: 0791178 / 4739549] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law
    DE LA CĂTRE Dvs.

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    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  81. Octavian says:

    [Case_ID: 0791295 / 7483326] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law

  82. Calin says:

    Trimis !!, Astept raspuns si revin

  83. Ana Maria says:

    Case_ID: 0792343 / 2718394] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

  84. Ana Maria says:

    [Case_ID: 0792344 / 4810177] – Case_ID: 0792343 / 2718394] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law

  85. Robert Costea says:

    Deocamdata doar ata:
    Case_ID: 0793096 / 2864320 si Case_ID: 0793098 / 747912
    In momentul in care vin raspunsurile reale, am sa le public aici.
    Toate cele bune

  86. Vlad Radu says:

    [Case_ID: 0793131 / 178259] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    from to you
    Show Details
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    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  87. Marius says:

    [Case_ID: 0793323 / 1709135] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    [Case_ID: 0793331 / 1443715] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

  88. Marius says:

    Am trimis si eu, am primit ambele confirmari. O sa revin cu raspunsul cand il voi primi. Incercati sa va convingeti cunostintele (fie ele mai apropiate sau nu) sa trimita acest mesaj, lucrurile functioneaza bine daca mergem din aproape in aproape, lumea trebuie sa auda adevarul de la cunoscuti, are un impact mai mare! Cu cat mai multi cu atat mai bine. Ne vedem in strada, pentru vineri se anunta o amploare mare!

  89. Kos Mos says:

    Nu se intampla nimic dupa ce dau send pe paginile mentionate mai sus. Ar trebui sa primesc o confirmare ceva? sau un screen share cineva cum ar arata o confirmare de pe site direct.

  90. Andrei says:

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    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

    • Andrei says:

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      Please do not reply.

      Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

      With kind regards,

      EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  91. Razvan says:

    [Case_ID: 0793600 / 5145292] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    [Case_ID: 0793598 / 7961690] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.


  92. arden says:

    Sent: Friday, 30 August 2013, 15:08
    Subject: [Case_ID: 0790474 / 693186] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    This is an automated message.
    Please do not reply.

    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  93. arden says:

    Sent: Thursday, 29 August 2013, 20:26
    Subject: [Case_ID: 0789442 / 8327383] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    This is an automated message.
    Please do not reply.

    Thank you for your e-mail. We expect to respond in three working days on average. For more complex or specific queries, responses may take longer.

    With kind regards,

    EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre

  94. ileana says:

    Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 15:10:35 +0200

    > Subject: [Case_ID: 0790477 / 8368696] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    > From:

  95. ileana says:

    Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:52:13 +0200

    > Subject: [Case_ID: 0789636 / 6141836] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.
    > From:

  96. ioan says:

    Sent: Friday, 30 August 2013, 15:12
    Subject: [Case_ID: 0790479 / 1552224] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    Sent: Thursday, 29 August 2013, 23:06
    Subject: [Case_ID: 0789650 / 4427477] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law

  97. Cristi says:

    [Case_ID: 0793830 / 1265554] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

    [Case_ID: 0793829 / 3173761] – The Romanian Government has decided: Mining companies are above the law.

  98. Postolache says:

    Done. Trimis. Mesajul automat de confirmare primit. Cand primesc si un raspuns, il postez aici. Felicitari si multumiri pentru initiativa. Succes campaniei de salvare a Rosiei Montana!

  99. aarrr says:

    De ce posteaza toata lumea mesajul automat? nu are sens. postati in momentul in care primiti o informatie noua

    • hans says:

      intr-adevar, nu e nevoie de postarea mesajului automat. da’ nu strica sa vedem ca suntem f multi cei care au trimis mesajul. cred ca s-au trimis vreo 100-200 de emailuri. sper sa ajute la ceva!

  100. Alex says:

    A primit cineva raspuns pana la urma ??? Eu tot astept si vad ca a trecut ceva timp.

  101. Jochen says:

    Szervusz Hans –

    nici eu nu am primit pana azi un raspuns din partea DG-urilor. Ce se intampla?

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