Posts Tagged ‘shale gas’

Chevron to quit Romania. Through the eyes of the antifracking activists

Share Written by Maria Olteanu (source: frackoffromania) After the announcements made by Chevron during the last few months, when it decided to leave Lithuania, Poland and then Ukraine, Romania was the last European barricade for Chevron. On Friday, a... Read more

Proteste in Bukarest: Willy Schuster von Bereitschaftspolizei verletzt und festgenommen (15. 12. 2013)

Share EN: Willy Schuster, one of the symbols of the anti-fracking protest movement in Romania has been picked out by riot police and arrested in Bucharest during an ongoing protest against the Government’s politics concerning shale gas and mining.... Read more

Cum ii puteti sustine pe Willy Schuster si pe protestatarii anti-fracking din Mosna/SB

Share Dragilor! Va scriu din casa lui Willy Schuster… Aici e o atmosfera de optimism si voie buna, in urma victoriei provizorii de ieri si de azi… Willy primeste non-stop mesaje din tara si din strainatate din partea sustinatorilor... Read more

SHALE GAS in ROMANIA: VICTORY over illegally working exploration company in Transylvania

Share MOSNA/MESCHEN, Sibiu county, Transylvania/Romania, November 16, 2013 After a day full of drama and fight against the illegal shale gas explorations in the village of MOSNA/MESCHEN in Sibiu county in Transylvania, the approx. 100 protesters, supported by many... Read more

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