Posts Tagged ‘proces’

SCHWEIGHOFER sues environmental NGO from Romania in Vienna

Share The Austrian wood processing company Holzindustrie Schweighofer sued the grassroots NGO Neuer Weg (‘New Way’) from Fagaras/Romania as well as its deputy chair, Hans Hedrich, on June 15, 2015 at the Commercial Court in Vienna, after NW published... Read more

Firma Schweighofer a dat in judecata Asociatia Neuer Weg, la Viena

Share Cel mai mare succes al Asociatei NW, deocamadata, in lupta cu mafia lemnului: Din proprie initiativa si nesilita de nimeni, firma SCHWEIGHOFER duce luptele noastre in instanta dincolo de hotarele Romaniei, si anume la un tribunal din VIENA!... Read more

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