Posts Tagged ‘decker-that’

Restitutio ad absurdum. About Romania’s expropriation politics in the XXI. century

Share On October 17th and 18th (in one weeks’ time) Bucharest will host the congress of the European People’s Party with the participation of President Traian Basescu and German chancellor Angela Merkel. Thus, this is a good opportunity to... Read more

Restitutio ad absurdum. Despre expropriere in Romania sec. XXI

Share In 17 si 18 octombrie (adica saptamana viitoare) va avea loc la Bucuresti congresul Partidului Popular European (PPE), la care va participa, pe langa presedintele Romaniei, Traian Basescu, si cancelarul german, Angela Merkel.  Cu acest prilej incepem publicarea... Read more

Restitutio ad absurdum. Über Enteignung im Rumänien des XXI. Jhs.

Share Am 17. und 18. Oktober 2012 (heute in 1 Woche) findet in Bukarest der Kongress der europäischen Volkspartei (EVP) statt, zu dem Staatspräsident Traian Basescu einlädt. Unter den Gästen wird auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel sein. Aus diesem Anlass... Read more

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