Please donate to the anti-fracking-movement in Romania! (Bank account details)
Dear friends from all over the world! Please help us fight the illegal shale gas related activities of Chevron, Prospectiuni, Romgaz etc. in Romania!
Any donation will help us cover at least a part of our travel and communication expenses related to the protest campaigns. For practical reason, please send the money directly to the group or for the activities that you want to support (village of PUNGESTI or MOSNA; general support or specific support)! The bank accounts belong to two wellknown anti-fracking-activists as well as two NGOs. Each account holder will be responsible for the correct and transparent use of the funds!
Thank you in advance!
Hans Hedrich, deputy chairman
NGO Neuer Weg (Fagaras/Romania)
Maria Olteanu (EURO)
For transfers from Germany:
Konto: 5092564
BLZ: 10070024
Deutsche Bank
For transfers from other countries:
IBAN: DE72100700240509256400
Asociatia Romania Fara Ei (“Romania Without Them”) Bucharest
Garanti Bank
Schuster Vilhelm
IBAN: RO10 RZBR0000060014324203 (EURO)
IBAN: RO77RZBR0000060009057061 (RON)
Raiffeisen Bank Medias str. I.C. Bratianu nr. 3 – Agentia Medias –
Asociatia Neuer Weg (Fagaras)
IBAN: RO60RNCB0055137249280001 (RON)
Banca Comerciala Romana, Sucursala Fagaras
Why would I donate money to a private account like that of Maria Olteanu or Schuster Vilhelm? That sound very fishy to me.
why donate? simply read (and understand) the posting above!
It´s a kind of political ‘Nigerian’ scam …. “gaze de sist” is a permanent topic in order to gain first of all political opportunity, now for Erwin Albu, later for Vilhelm (with v).
sorry, you’re either stupid or very bad intended – una din doua!
Tu Hans! Ce te-au învățat oamenii ăia la workshopul „revelator”? Ce-ai luat cu tine din schimbul ăsta? Tu îi cunoști pe oamenii cu pricina, ai încredere în ei construită pe contacte, pe timp, pe credințe comune, deci crezi fără reținere că au nevoie de bani pentru ceva ce tu însuți faci. Auzi însă în ce zice comentatorul prim argumentul (valid) că pentru strângerea de fonduri este nevoie de organizații care să inspire încredere prin existența mai multor oameni în ele, fiindcă persoanele particulare nu au cum să dea seamă de ce fac cu banii donați, fiindcă n-au contabilitate transparentă? Auzi (și știu că există o istorie lungă cu al doilea comentator) grija că preluarea capitalului activist în capital politic discreditează întrucâtva? Și, deci, că trebuie lucrat la consolidarea încrederii noastre, a tuturor, că reprezentarea în politic are sens și e chiar necesară?
Ce rost are să apeși butonul de „dismiss” categorizând lucrurile ca prostie sau rea-credință? Chiar dacă ar fi așa, ți se spun lucruri utile, care nu trebuie aruncate la coș. Mie însămi nu-mi vine să-i dau Mariei bani așa, pur și simplu. Că n-am nicio imagine de ansamblu a ce face cu ei și n-am de dat nelimitat, deci mi se pare mai practic să-i dau acolo unde se materializează mai direct în pârghie.
Scuze de rant, nu m-am putut abține 🙂 .
Anyone who asks for money for something that should be done for free it means that they are doing it WRONG and there are other hidden things for which the money will be used. I don’t agree with anyone that is doing harm like that. And no-one ever should agree with that, either.
ladies and gentlemen,
as an insider in thee antifrack movement i can tell U that those persosna and NGOs are doing reeally really HARD work for FREE, in order to help save the ass of their fellow citizens. since lawsuits go hand in hand with costs – even if the lawyers would work pro bono – so, that money is needed to cover COSTS, not to pay honoraries for idealists who don’t even ask for them.
those who criticize the fact that we ask for money to cover SOME costs of the campaigns, implicitly speak out in favor of a selfsabotage of the protesters.
so: do U want to help to keep the fight going on? if yes, then
1. either come and fight with us or start your own fight, or
2. help the fighters somehow – i.e. through a donation.
simple as this.
Fight against what? ECONOMY? because that’s what you are doing. And if you just think a little about the idea of fighting… YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! People shouldn’t fight, they should listen for all the ARGUMENTS, pro or cons and think more, not less. you should give more time for thinking and not for fighting.