PETITIE AVAAZ: Goldman Sachs & Erste Bank, STOP selling environmental crime in Transylvania!

Apel impotriva listarii la bursa din Londra, cu ajutorul GOLDMAN SACHS si Erste Bank, a s.c. ROMGAZ S.A., beneficiarul prospectiunilor ilegale de gaze de sist din Ardeal (si nu numai).


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“We call Goldman Sachs International and Erste Bank Group to stick to their own standards, policies and values and, as a consequence:
1. HALT the ROMGAZ listing in London;
2. GET INFORMED about the opposition, mass demonstratons and legal fights against shale gas explorations of ROMGAZ (and Chevron) in Romania;
3. INFORM investors about the implicit risks of ROMGAZ shares;
4. WITHDRAW as brokers of the ROMGAZ listing, as soon as the allegations against ROMGAZ and its subcontractor s.c. PROSPECTIUNI S.A. confirm.”

Posted by at 12/11/2013
Filed in category: Buerger & Rechte, Natur & Schutz, Politik & Wirtschaft,

3 Responses to PETITIE AVAAZ: Goldman Sachs & Erste Bank, STOP selling environmental crime in Transylvania!


    Nu vrem exploatarea gazelor de sist in Transilvania si in toata Romania

  2. Edeltraud Zimmer says:

    Nu dorim exploatarea gazelor de sist in Transilvania, Romania si Mosna unde lupta Willy Schuster pentru drepturile omului…Rusine Románia…s-a intors roata din mult timp…de fapt coruptia si mafiotii au fost mereu la putere in Romania…insa acuma s-a terminat cu voi nemernici!

  3. LUPU Ionel says:

    Eu stiu ca in straturile geologice mai profunde apa circula cu viteze extrem de mici, dar circula in toate directiile, atat cat ii permit straturile impermiabile……. Exploatarea gazelor de sist nu este o treaba sanatoasa…. La sporirea radioactivitatii adusa din profunzime se mai gandeste cineva ???????????????

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